The Diet Roller Coaster

The holidays are here!! So who is getting on the Diet Rollercoaster with all the others? Not this girl!

The diet roller coaster is no fun. Go on a diet. Lose weight. Gain weight during the holidays. Diet again. Lose weight. Gain weight in the winter. Go on a diet again. Lose weight. Stop the diet. Gain Weight. Im exhausted just thinking about all that! Its time to get off that rollercoaster! I promise that you can ditch the fad diet and get off the diet roller coaster by adopting a sustainable (key word here) nutrition and fitness plan for long term success. And you can start now. This isnt going to take over your life. Youre not going to dread it. It’s actually going to make your life better and more enjoyable. Im willing to promise that.

The holidays are definitely a trigger point for many that are in the process of a lifestyle journey or contemplating one. Filled with a variety of emotions, the holidays can be overwhelming! They’re busy. They’re fun. They’re engaging. They’re exciting. They’re happy. And, they’re full of food! Wait, Food? To some that brings huge smiles, excitement and full bellies. Holiday cookies, treats and drinks. Homemade feasts. So much food! Food is part of every celebration. To others the holidays bring anxiety. Trying so hard not to over indulge. Its stressful when the food looks SO good! And to some, the holidays are a huge hurdle or sometimes even a road block to their goals. If you have struggled with weight or addiction the holidays can be one of the most difficult times of year. If you are considering a healthier lifestyle its easy to delay and start “after the holidays” or make it your “New Year’s Resolution”. And to some if you have just started on your journey, the holidays can derail you in blink of an eye. But guess what? You have control over all of that! Isn’t that great news? And I am here to help you regain control and adopt new behaviors that help you thrive.

I want you to know that you can start, you can continue and you can maintain during the holidays even if it feels impossible. There are so many ways to make this happen. You can still enjoy the holidays and enjoy the food while staying healthy, while staying on track to your goals, while maintaining your goals. And, you can even START NOW! Wait, what? Start before the holidays? Yes! Why not? If you start now, you will have time to develop new lifestyle habits that will help you get through the holidays without moving farther away from your goals. You will get a head start on the journey! You’ll have an accountability partner (me!!!) and that is a HUGE part of success. When you know someone believes in you and is going to check in on you it makes the journey SO much easier. You will know you have someone in your corner supporting you, helping you and listening to you. And you WILL succeed.

You can live a life that allows you to enjoy the foods you love (even holiday treats!) while fueling your body with the nutrients it needs and maintain a consistent weight and fitness level and optimum health. Even during the holidays. Im planning on raiding my kids bags for some my favorite candy on Halloween. Im planning on enjoying another “heroic” plate (or two) on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Christmas Eve. I am planning on enjoying the holidays guilt free with my family. You wont feel hungry and you wont feel deprived. I dont want to feel that way so I am going to make sure my clients dont either. Remember the goal is to build a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that you can enjoy. What you read online can be conflicting and confusing. It can be extreme. And it doesn’t always deliver lasting results. Thats probably why the diet roller coaster is such a popular ride. Its not because its fun…..Thats for sure!!

So what next? A plan. We need a plan. There are key steps that have been proven to increase the long term success. The plan includes, nutrition, fitness and behavior change. Sounds hard. Sounds complicated. Its not. The one thing I do is keep is so simple. This isnt going to take over your life. Its going to be easy and its going to be simple. I promise! My clients have been pleased with the ease and simplicity and most importantly… the results. You can read what they have to say here.

First, you can build fitness into your daily routine without it taking over your life. Fitness doesnt have to be the gym. It doesnt have to take hours of your day. And it can be fit into even the busiest lifestyles with some creativity. And it can be and should be FUN!

Secondly, nutrition. We will talk about what foods you like and dont like. Which foods help you stay full longer. And how to add variety to your meals. We ill even talk about how to add in those favorite treats that you like. And how to get through holidays if that is a trigger for you.

Lastly, behavior change. We can work on scientifically proven techniques to swap out some of your undesirable behaviors for new behaviors. We can add in behaviors that make your goals easier to attain. We can release unhealthy behaviors and replace them with heathy behaviors.

Maybe you need all of the above, or maybe just some. One of my favorite parts of this job is really creating programs that are specific to each person’s needs, goals and current place in relation to those goals. Getting creative with fitness and nutrition plans to spike a clients interest is my goal. You are part of this too! We can work together to find ways to get your moving that YOU enjoy. This isnt my life. Its yours. I want to listen to you and help you create a life that is fun, enjoyable and sustainable. One that allows you to live your healthiest and happiest life. One that allows you to feel good about yourself. To feel energized, vibrant, healthy and strong. It doesnt matter what kind of shape you are in now. Everyone, and I mean everyone has the ability to make a change, to reach their goals and to take the first step. It is a marathon, not a sprint. And I can help provide you with the information, the tools and the encouragement you need to take the first step and to keep going until you get to your finish line. I can help you just a little. Or I can help you a lot. The cool thing about this program is its totally custom. Its whatever you need! Every person is different so every plan is different.

I help people, like you, feel better about themselves, feel more confident, enjoy life more, live more fully and feel better physically.I help people adopt a sustainable healthy lifestyle. I help people lose weight. I help people get stronger and more fit. I help people eat better and feel more energetic. I help people find time in busy schedules to get active, exercise and eat healthier. I help people begin new movement patterns. And I enjoy every single moment of it. Im ready to help you, which whatever you need if youre ready. Lets start now, together. This is the perfect time.

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