We have all different versions of what health and wellness look like for us. To some, it is living healthy and disease free, being a top athlete, or everything in-between. Wellness can:
* Prevent &/or manage illness and disease
* Replace unhealthy habits
* Manage emotional eating
* Manage weight
* Adopt healthy sleep and stress habits
* Adopt a healthy diet and exercise program
* Help you look your best
* Build your confidence
* Boost your energy levels
* Motivate and educate you
Wellness for everyone is a continued state of thriving both physically and emotionally through self care.
As a health and wellness coach, I can assist you, through a client centered personalized program. I can guide you to thrive and reach your health and wellness goals through sustainable lifestyle change and mind/body connection. Working together, we will create a program that will optimize time and results and develop a new healthy sustainable lifestyle. Become the best version of YOU that you can be!

Success is achieved through a strength based coaching approach. You create the goal and I will assist you in creating your individualized plan. The plan will take into consideration your interests, your current lifestyle, your past successes, current barriers and so many other pieces that are unique to YOU!
Angie Morin, ACE Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
PNF Certified
207-569-5354 Angie@AngieMorinWellness.com