So many people want to create a healthier lifestyle but give up before reaching their goals despite exercising reguarly. This is usually because nutrition was not aligned with the exercise. Or, they find themselves reaching goals and then falling into old habits and familiar lifestyle again because of a quick fix. The popular saying ” You cant out exercise a bad diet” is very true.
So, Why is it so difficult to maintain consitent nutrition and healthier lifestyle choices? Most people are always on the diet rollercoaster. Weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain, the cycle continues . The key is staying away from diets and instead, creating a sustainable lifestyle through that is less drastic, aligning consistent nutrition with goals.
Our lifestyle choices play a large role in who we are. Isn’t it time to create a lifestyle that matches who you want to be?

- Sleep Habits
- Nutrition (Shopping lists & In House Audits as requested)
- Overcoming emotional eating and attachment to food
- Replacing unwanted dietary and lifestyle habits with new healthy habits and nutrition
- Healthy Recipes
- Educational & Informational Materials
- Balance to enjoy foods you love

- With the use of a one on one client centered, strength based approach, I will assist you in creating attainable, progressive goals using nutrition. Your nutrition program will support your goals. You will not be asked to eat foods you dont like. And foods you do like will be included! There are no “good” or “bad” foods. A sustainable, healthy lifestyle is one that you enjoy. It comes from balance and moderation.
Lifestyle plays more of a role in our health than genetics
Your health and wellness is your greatest investment in your future. This includes exerise, nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress managment and so much more. A healthy lifestyle has been known to prevent disease and in some cases prevent the use of pharmaceuticals for treatment. Isn’t it time we look at ways to prevent diseases and optimize our health instead of manage them?
Coaching sessions are offered in person or via phone call or Skype.
Angie Morin, ACE Certified Health & Wellness Coach
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Precision Nutrition Certified Coach
207-569-5354 Angie@AngieMorinWellness.com